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RESIDENTIAL Listing/Contract Required Forms

Required eXp Forms (click to download):

Required Forms:

Residential Listing:

1.) Exclusive Right to Sale Listing Agreement

2.) Property Condition Disclosure, Disclaimer, or Exemption:

     **Disclosure - Seller should fill this form out if they have ever lived in the home or have absolutely any knowledge about the home as far as repairs, etc.

   **Disclaimer - Seller should fill this form out ONLY if they have NEVER lived in the home and have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about the home.  (contrary to belief someone filling out the top one is protected more than this one, if they can prove you worked on the home etc, they feel you have enough knowledge to fill out top one, be careful) 

   **Exemption - this is for trusts, banks etc and NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION:  Seller/Builder needs to select the last box and sign the form.. Builders may try to tell you this form can be waived, THIS IS NOT TRUE, per OREC.

3.) Estimated Net to Seller  (Did you know you are required to present your buyer or seller with an expense sheet each and every time they make or receive an offer ? Click here for more info on the rule)

4.) eXp Realty Wire Fraud Disclosure

5.) Active MLS Printout for the property  - "FULL  AGENT" Report

6.) Lead Based Paint Disclosure - If home was built before 1978

Residential Contract (You Represent the Seller):

1.) Acknowledgement of Disclosures (usually attached as the first page of the Residential Sales Contract.)

2.) Sales Contract

3.) Loan Supplement and/or every form that is indicated as being attached to the sales contract at the top of page 1.

4.) Property Condition Disclosure, Disclaimer, or Exemption, signed and initialed (if applicable) by the buyer(s) 

5.) Estimated Net to Seller  (Did you know you are required to present your buyer or seller with an expense sheet each and every time they make or receive an offer ? Click here for more info on the rule)

6.) Copy of Earnest Money Receipt

7.) TRR

8.) eXp Realty Affiliated Business Disclosure

10.) Copy of Home Inspection

11.) Copy of Termite Report

12.) Lead Based Paint Disclosure  **If home was built before 1978** completed and signed by buyer(s) and buyer's agent

*****If Contract price changes, closing date is extended, and/or any changes are made between buyer and seller regarding the contract, an addendum or supplement is required.*****

Residential Contract (You Represent the Buyer):

1.) Acknowledgement of Disclosures (usually attached as the first page of the Residential Sales Contract.)

2.) Sales Contract

3.) Loan Supplement and/or every form that is indicated as being attached to the sales contract at the top of page 1.

4.) Property Condition Disclosure, Disclaimer, or Exemption, signed and initialed (if applicable) by the buyer(s) 

5.) Estimated of Buyer Expense  (Did you know you are required to present your buyer or seller with an expense sheet each and every time they make or receive an offer ? Click here for more info on the rule)

6.) Copy of Earnest Money Receipt

7.) Disclosure of Brokerage Duties to the Buyer (You'll want to check the box next to "SALES AGREEMENT" unless you have a fully executed "Buyer Brokerage Agreement" If so, you can check the box next to buyer brokerage agreement.

8.) Pending MLS Printout for the property  - "FULL  AGENT" Report

9.) TRR

10.) eXp Realty Wire Fraud Disclosure

11.) eXp Realty Affiliated Business Disclosure

12.) eXp Realty Inspection Waiver or Authorization Form

    **Complete the eXp Inspection Authorization if the buyer chooses to have a home and termite inspection completed 

    **Complete the eXp Inspection Waiver if the buyer chooses not to have a home and termite inspection completed

    **If the buyer chooses have one inspection completed, but not both (for example, they want a home inspection but not a termite inspection, then      

         you have to complete both the inspection waiver and inspection authorization form, having the buyer initial next to the termite inspection on the


13.) Copy of Home Inspection (if applicable - if you do NOT have a home inspection report to upload to skyslope then you MUST have an inspection waiver signed and uploaded)

14.)  Copy of Termite Report (if applicable - if you do NOT have a termite inspection report to upload to skyslope then you MUST have an inspection waiver signed and uploaded)

15.) Lead Based Paint Disclosure  **If home was built before 1978** completed and signed by buyer(s) and buyer's agent

*****If Contract price changes, closing date is extended, and/or any changes are made between buyer and seller regarding the contract, an addendum or supplement is required.*****

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